We long to hear God speak to us and to be moved at who God is and what He has done. So, our normal diet is Christ-centred expository preaching, preaching which puts the focus on Scripture and seeks to expose its gospel meaning. We want our preaching to be expository, Gospel-saturated, doctrinal, and applicable.
We desire to be a Word and Spirit church. The Bible undergirds all our practice as we eagerly desire spiritual gifts and to be filled with the Spirit. We gather first and foremost to praise God but we also pursue him and expect Him to move powerfully when we gather. God is much more than a theoretical truth we accept, He is a God we experience in a personal and compelling way.
We challenge each other to not settle for complacency or dry religion. To the God who radically gave His life for us, we aim to respond in love by giving our whole lives to Him. We believe we exist for the glory of God, we want to reflect that through living lives that are totally devoted and satisfied in Him.
As a church family made up of different ages and nationalities we believe we are bound together through Christ, that’s something far greater than genetics. So we desire to practice the way of Christ which looks like generosity, kindness and humility. These are non-negotiable here; we want it to be who we are. We don’t want to just say it but we want to live it out by going after genuine friendship, doing life together and for each other. In this family home - there’s a place for you.
We have been blessed to be a blessing. We want to join God and other churches in the renewal Millisle. We want to give ourselves to church planting on the Ards Peninsula. We want to raise up missionaries for the nations and financially give to the mission of God. We are committed to being a maternity ward for the next generation of leaders by creating space for people to grow in their gifts and releasing them into other churches and ministries.